Freezer Slaw Recipe

Freezer Slaw Recipe

A simple easy to follow freezer slaw recipe. A great way to preserve cabbages from the garden. If you don’t have a garden, go to a local farmers market and buy some nice organic, non-GMO produce and make this recipe. As long as you have extra freezer space, freezer slaw is great. Cabbage is a great vegetable with plenty of vitamins.

Ingredientsfreezer slaw recipe is easy and is a great way to preserve cabbage from the garden

4 pounds cabbage
2 large green peppers
5 large carrots
2 onions – sliced
4 teaspoons salt


3 cups sugar – see directions
2 tsps. dry mustard or mustard seed
2 tsps. celery seed
2 1/2 cups apple cider vinegar
1 1/2 cups water

Cooking Directions

Simply shred cabbage, green peppers and carrots. Add sliced onions. Add 1 tsp. of salt per salt per pound of cabbage and mix well and let sit for 1 hour. After one hour, rinse and dry the cabbage.

In a pot add sugar, water, vinegar. mustard and celery seed and bring to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes. Turn off heat and let cool!!

Pour over drained cabbage and let set for 5 to 10 minutes. Stir well.

Package in freezer containers leaving about 1/2 inch head space. Will last for 8 – 10 months. When ready just remove from freezer and allow to thaw and serve.

When you have excess cabbage, make some freezer slaw. It is a simple vinegar based slaw recipe. I find it delicious and a great way to store the summers harvest. It freezes great and when thawed you would never think it was ever frozen. This is great when making fish tacos. I have made freezer slaw for several years now and consider freezer slaw a must do. I grow enough cabbage making sure to set aside five to six pounds for this great dish.

Look at other cabbage recipes

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